Our Curriculum

The following is an overall description of our PFIA training curriculum. The actual content of each workshop will vary depending on the speakers. All of our sessions are appropriate for both new and experienced investment officers. There are no prerequisites for any of our training sessions.

Public Funds Investment Act Compliance

  • Understand the history of the Public Funds Investment Act
  • Understand the requirements of the Act
  • Understand the Investment Officer's responsibilities
  • Identify whether or not their organization is in compliance with the Act

Safekeeping and Custody

  • Understand the requirements of the Public Funds Collateral Act
  • Understand the roles of a safekeeping agent and a collateral custodian and the documents related to these services

Diversifying and Protecting Your Portfolio

  • Implement controls in the investment program to protect the portfolio
  • Understand the risks associated with the investment program
  • Understand the basic principles of diversification

Local Government Investment Pools and Money Market Mutual Funds

  • Understand the Public Funds Investment Act requirements for these investments
  • Know the questions to ask a prospective fund or pool provider
  • Interpret the information received from a pool or fund provider
  • Understand if information is adequate to support investment decision

Depository Relationships

  • Understand the various laws governing depository relationships and know which law or laws apply to the participant
  • Understand the factors considered in awarding depository contracts
  • Understand the banking services supporting the investment program

Preventing Loss from Check Fraud

  • Understand internal control elements used to prevent check fraud
  • Understand banking services used to prevent check fraud

Investment Calculations

  • Understand the concept of the time value of money
  • Calculate the price for a discount security
  • Calculate the price for a coupon security
  • Calculate the effective yield for a discount security
  • Calculate the weighted average maturity of an investment portfolio

Investment Scenarios

This exercise develops portfolio management skills by building portfolios and reporting recommendations. Case studies are used to illustrate the importance of cash flow, risk tolerance, and investment policy parameters in determining portfolio strategy.

Managing Risk

  • Understand elements of control to minimize risk in an investment program
  • Understand the elements of and preparation for the annual compliance audit

Authorized Investments and Associated Risks

  • Understand the different types of risk in investing
  • Understand the investments authorized by the Act and their associated risks

Investment Strategies and Associated Risks

  • Understand the purpose of the investment policy and investment strategy
  • Understand the benefits and risks of the four basic investment strategies
  • Determine which strategy is appropriate for the organization’s funds

Cash Flow Forecasting

  • Identify the information required to prepare a cash flow forecast
  • Understand the benefits and functions of a cash flow forecast

Factors Affecting Interest Rates

  • Understand the effect of Federal Reserve Bank actions on interest rates
  • Understand the effect of various economic indicators on interest rates
  • Understand the effect of the business cycle on interest rates

Effective Investment Reporting

  • Understand the reporting requirements
  • Understand the function of the investment report in monitoring the investment program
  • Learn various methods of investment report preparation and presentation

A Step Approach to Investing and Cash Management

  • List the steps to implement an effective investment and cash management program
  • Understand the basics of selecting brokers/dealers
  • Recognize various cash management products
  • Understand the investment selection process